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Ep. #34. France to 5 countries, Parisienne Pauline Mura

April 24, 2024


Also available on Apple, Spotify, Google Podcast, and in all major podcast apps

Hey, Dreamers!

In this episode, I interviewed Pauline Mura, a Parisienne and the host of Meet the Expats Podcast. Pauline is from France, and so far, she’s lived in 6 countries across 3 continents!ย 

In the episode, we chatted about her childhood as a bilingual (French and English) in Ireland and South Africa, and her time in Japan, the U.S., and the UK. We also chatted about the cultural differences (workplace and social) in Dublin and Paris which I find very interesting. 

If you love cultural conversation, I’m sure you will enjoy this episode. 


00:00 – 18:22 Pauline’s time in Ireland, South Africa, Paris, and Japan (until high school)

18:23 – 27:09 Pauline’s time in Paris, in the U.S, and the UK (during university)

27:10 – 41:27 Pauline’s time in Ireland (working in Dublin) & cultural differences 

41:28 – 47:19 How Pauline’s podcast, “Meet the Expats” was born & her life mantra


๐ŸŽ™ Listen to Paulin’s Podcast: Meet the Expats

โค๏ธ Follow on Instagram: Meettheexpats

โ˜•๏ธ In Paris? Message Pauline for a coffee ๐Ÿ™‚ 

After listening to this episode, you will be able to learn:

  • Her bilingualism (French & English) since growing up
  • Her childhood in Ireland & South Africa (studied with classmates from 80+ countries!)
  • The cultural difference between France (Paris) and Ireland (Dublin)
  • Her brief time in Japan, the U.S., and the UK 

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